Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Conquer the Streets with Capes

Are you feeling super woman
Are you feeling with some type of super power. Well I am, I want to conquer NYC with one of these capes. I am loving them they are great for the cold winter days and for the not so cold days. They are so Fashionable and Chic. They give your outfit that extra touch of Glamour and they are great because they  basically go with any type of clothing piece. These are some examples of Capes that I love. They are warm, comfortable and so cute. what you girls think would you buy a cape for the winter because I will. 
XOXO Andrea

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Birthday Girl Wishes

Birthday Wishlist

So my Birthday is coming up is on December 17, I will be turning 22. I have been thinking of things I want but the bad thing about being born in December is that one of the biggest Holidays is also in the same month and that Is Christmas. This year I decided to not make a huge list and concentrate on things that I will truly appreciate and will use. I want to travel soon to London and I think it could be a great Birthday gift. I mean it's London who would not want to go to the UK. I am dying for the Rebecca Mikoff rose gold bag and these Kate Spade bow flats they are just lovely. This is my Birthday Wish list what do you girls think about it.

XOXO Andrea

Friday, December 7, 2012

A little Christmas Spirit Around My House

Since I love Bows so much I decided to change up a bit this Christmas and use one it as a tree topper.

Reindeer's is a must in my home especially this gold baby here. My mom got it a couple years ago at a local home decor store and It just gives that touch of Christmas Spirit at home.

As you know in many places around the world people call Santa Claus Noel I saw this sign at Target and I liked it it gives it's not the typical Santa name. 

As you all girlies can see the touches in my home this years is Gold and Red. 

XOXO Andrea
I leave you here one o my favorite Christmas Songs